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|  IFIA Magazine - March 2022

            IFIA AND ABIPIR                                       Another action by the Latin American Of-

                                                                  fice of IFIA/ABIPIR facilitating the presen-
                                                                  tation of Espirito Santo projects representing
                                                                  Latin America at the Global Innovation Field
                                                                  Trip, the largest online scientific event on the
            ENCOURAGE THE planet with the participation of students from
            FUTURE                                                8 to 18 years of age over 30 countries, al-
                                                                  ways counting on the support of President
                                                                  Alireza Rastegar.
            GENERATION OF                                         The  presentation  was  co-hosted  by  the
                                                                  President of ABIPIR and Latin America rep-
                                                                  resentative of IFIA, Mr. Marcelo Vivacqua.
            INVENTORS AND                                         Mr. Luiz Gustavo Gomes,  advising  pro-
                                                                  fessor of the Student Bruno de Lorenzo,
                                                                  from  EEEM  Sister  Maria  Horta,  presented
            SCIENTISTS                                            New astronomical discoveries and the
                                                                  leading role of the student with Autistic
                                                                  Spectrum Syndrome.
                                                                  Students supervised by Professor Simone
                                                                  Clarindo  were:  Felipe Costa Kempim,
                                                                  Davi  Alves,  Arthur,  Spinasse  Miranda,
                                                                  Bernardo Angeli Teixeira, who presented
                                                                  the  Ethos  and  Triex Medical Screening
                                                                  CONGRATULATIONS to Professor Gustavo
                                                                  from EEEM Sister Maria Horta and Profes-
                                                                  sor Simone Clarindo from State College of
                                                                  Espírito Santo for  their dedication, commit-
                                                                  ment,  and resilience to overcome all difficul-
                                                                  ties and keep the students motivated.
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